I will put into the box …
The taste of yellow colours warm heat from covering gold.
Feeling green around grass, And people finding diamond from underground.
A rolex made out of pure gold.
I will put into the box …
The sword of gold getting shinier and shinier making light of some plastic to appear.
The fist of fire lightening up the night sky making it easier to find colour of wisdom.
Feeling the touch of gowns of vines growing higher up a palm tree slowly covering it .
I will put into the box …
The process of an orange getting bigger and bigger
A leaf touching sunlight for the first time
A treasure long buried, which has yet to see the sun.
My box is fashioned from gold drops, lapis lazuli and diamond, with a rolex on the lid and cash in the corners.
Its hinges are enormous locks, to prevent things from being stolen
I shall play games in my box
Today and yesterday I have being working on a task called Magic box poem. We had to right a poem into the I will put on the box and imagine what was happening. I have being working with my buddy Calvin and had completed the work.